Hours, Days and Ages
Mattice Family Daycare is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Enrollment available for Infant to School-age
My daycare is a full-day operation.
Little Learners Preschool, Monday through Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm
Daycare opens 7:30 am
7:45 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:15 am
10:30 am
10:45 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
3:30 pm
3:45 pm to 5:00 pm
5:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Good morning!
Morning social time free play
Circle Time/Story Time
Music & Movement
Learning time activities
Inside/Outside free play
Am Snack
Free Play
Nap time
PM Snack
Inside/Outside Free Play, Table activities
Clean up and get ready for Mom and Dad to arrive...possible late afternoon cartoons or movie
Time to say Goodbye, Daycare is closed
Holidays, Closed Days, Celebration Days
Days for illness, Dr appointments, Ava's Competition Season (Fall) will be added as needed throughout the year with as much notice as possible.
Happy New Year 2025!
-January 20 Martin Luther King Jr Day - OPEN
-February 2 Groundhog Day
-February 7 Wear Red Day
-February 12 Lincoln's Birthday
-February 14 Valentines Day Party!
-February 17 Presidents Day - OPEN
-February 20 Love your Pet's Day
-February 23 Banana Bread Day
-February 27 Strawberry Day
-March 3 Read across America/Dr. Seuss Day
-March 7 Bring your Amazing childcare provider a Coffee Day .... Blended white mocha ;)
-March 9 Daylight Savings Time Begins
-March 11 Johnny Appleseed Day
-March 17 St. Patrick's Day WEAR GREEN!
-March 20 First day of Spring
-April 2 Peanut Butter & Jelly Day
-April 3 Find a Rainbow Day
-April 4-12 First 5 Shasta Week of the Young Child
-April 17 Easter Fun Day!
-CLOSED April 18 & 21 for Easter/Spring Break
-April 20 Easter Sunday
-April 22 Earth Day
-May 4 Star Wars Day
-May 9 Childcare Provider Appreciation Day
-May 11 Mother's Day
-May 20 Bee Day
-CLOSED May 23-26 for Memorial Day Weekend
-May 26 Memorial Day
-June 6 Doughnut Day
-June 15 Father's Day
-June 17 Garbage Man Day
-June 21 First Day of Summer
-June 27 Parents Day
-July 4 Independence Day - OPEN
-July 11 Blueberry Muffin Day
-CLOSED - Summer Break: Date TBD
-August 3 Watermelon Day
-August 5 National Night Out
-CLOSED Aug. 29 - September 1 for Labor Day Weekend
-September 5 Cheese Pizza Day
-September 22 First day of Fall
-October 9 Fire Prevention Day
-October 19 Mrs. Stephanies Birthday
-October 30 Candy Corn Day
-October 31 Halloween - EARLY PICK-UP @ 4:00pm
-November 2 Daylight Savings Ends
-CLOSED November 11 Veterans Day
-CLOSED November 27 & 28 Thanksgiving
-December 19 Christmas Celebration / Pajama Day
-December 21 First day of Winter
-CLOSED December 22 - January 2 for Winter Break
-December 25 Christmas Day
-Daycare will resume Monday, January 5, 2026