Hours, Days and Ages
Mattice Family Daycare is a full year program, open Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Enrollment is available for Infant to School-age children
Little Learners Preschool is available Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 12:00pm (September-May). For ages 3-5 years
Our Summer Camp Program runs from June through August
Breakfast, Lunch and two Snacks are provided Daily
Breakfast 8am
Morning Snack 10am
Lunch 12:30pm
Afternoon Snack 3:30pm
Little Learners Pre-School
September through May, we provide an Early Learning Preschool program for our Little Learners ages 3 to 5 years old. Our Preschool Program is a half day program, Monday through Friday. This will include but is not limited to: Story time, Circle time, Color and Shape recognition, Name recognition, Social and Verbal skills, Mannors and self-help skills, fine motor skills, sorting, matching, writing, Science and Nature, arts and crafts and so much more!
Holidays Closed
The following holidays will be Closed:
New Year's Day
Easter (Friday before and Following Monday)
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day (and Following Friday)
A full list of closures is available under the "Holiday" tab
Summer Camp
Eight weeks of Summer Fun!
Our Summer Camp Program runs June 10th - August 9th
Each week is a new exciting, themed week of Adventure!
*Outer Space
*Pirates & Mermaids
*Beach Bash
*Super Heros
*Lemons & Watermelon
*Outdoor Explorers
*Magical Creatures & Fairy tales