We Have New Friends!
Welcome Miss Sophia and Miss Ellie to our Daycare Family
November marks 23 years as a Licensed Daycare Provider!
If you haven't brought them in yet, a few of the kids still need an extra set of clothes for the winter months.
Little Learners Preschool - Month of November
This month we are talking about:
The Letters A, L, S & T
What we are Thankful for
The changing colors outside:
Yellow, Orange, Red & Brown
What we are Thankful for
Important days to Remember:
Ava's State Championship Meet will be November 17-19th. The 17th is a Friday. We do not have the scheduled day or time yet, but I will let you know ASAP if it's scheduled for that Friday, and I need to close.
Daycare will be Closed Thursday & Friday November 23rd & 24th for Thanksgiving.
Daycare will Close at 2:30 on Thursday, Nov. 29th.